U.S. DOD / USAMMDA Change Management Training Program


Initially engaged to provide one Change Management Training Course for Leaders to USAMMDA and other Fort Detrick organizations.

Following an assessment of the root cause of the training need, and SCB’s Change Management experience and training expertise, proposed that separate training be developed for Staff and Leaders.  Client agreed with the recommendation



  • Designed tailored training materials for each Staff and Leader course, including corresponding participant Workbooks
  • Facilitated four interactive training sessions: 2 for Staff and 2 for Supervisors and Manager
  • Completed and delivered training certificates
  • Collected and analyzed course evaluations from participants
  • Compiled and delivered a final report summarizing participant feedback


100% of Participant Responses Strongly Agreed or Agreed:

1.The training provided valuable information. 

2.The training presented information that I will use in my role.

3.The training was a valuable use of my time.

4.The facilitator managed the workshop in a way that enhanced my learning. 

5. Overall, the facilitator was effective